Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy list!!!! :)

The start of the semester has gotten off to somewhat of a rocky one. I have already had to drop 2 classes, and pick up another one. I am still waiting for my books to come, so I am behind on my school work. Ugh. However, I am enjoying all of my classes so far, and I have a CRU person in every one of my classes!!!! :) Super excited for that!
I have been reading people's good lists and it inspired me to make one of my own. So here it goes!

1)The Rieske children and their love for me
2)Sunsets...the most beautiful thing on God's Earth
3)The sound of Katie Barnett singing
4)Worshiping...Oasis, Brookside, Crosstraining....anywhere and everywhere!
5)My sisters...I love them!
6)My amazing family in Christ....there are no words to describe how much they mean to me in my life.
7)Lauren Bockoven and the fact that she is my best friend, and we think alike all the time. Who knew?
8)Steve Rieske and the way he cares about me and loves me even when I don't want him to. The way he tells me I am beautiful, just like he does for Narnia
9)Sandy Rieske's amazing cooking and sound advice that makes my life seem manageable.
10)Kent Darr and the amazing brother that he is. His heart is so giving and loving. I love that I get to be his friend!
11)Learning the Bible. It's slow going, but I am working through it.
12)Being allowed to question my faith in God and my friends loving me through it.
13)Everyone that visited me while I was in the hospital, both times! Ali G-thanks for smuggling in candy the first time. Chris-thanks for eating that crap that was supposed to be banana cake!
14)Seymour! I love him! He is the best monkey ever!
15)Marie and Andreya for letting me stay at their apartment over break....thank you for helping me keep my sanity.
16)My roommates at IndyCC--such a fun time...Kerner...headstand on the bed? Really?
17)Lauren Bockoven...thank you for letting me live with you before your wedding. It was the best 3 weeks ever!
18)Lauren and Nick--thank you for letting me be a part of your special day. It was truely a beautiful day and I am grateful I got to be there to celebrate with you.
19)Country music--it just speaks to the heart
20)Hang out times with my friends...and the randomness that comes from it.
21)Scrabble games with Justin when he comes to visit me at work!!!! And I win!
22)Scrabble with Steve on Facebook, but not when I get my butt kicked! I will win someday!
23)Gift baskets from Lauren Colarusso at the beginning of the school year!
24)My job on Team Cru! I love helping make Thursday nights happen!!!
25)B-Dubs after CRU on Thursdays!
26)Taking pictures with the camera that my beautiful friends bought me for Christmas.
27)The fuzzy socks that Sandy's mom bought me for Christmas...they are so soft on my feet!
28)The amazing candle that melts into massage oil that Steve's mom bought me! It's the best thing ever!
29)Coaching time with Katie B! She is pretty awesome!
30)When I get to coach Maggie! I love her life and learning about her!
31)Meeting new people that I can love on!
32)Venting with Erica Reese in the Union! Over some Wendy's
33)My Life Group! I love all of them!
34)The memories I have of my childhood that were happy.
35)The new memories that I am getting to make with the amazing people that are loving on me
36)The fact that I am loved in spite of my brokenness!
37)My future husband....whoever that might be! Trusting God to bring him to me when the time is right!
38)Allowing myself to get angry at God and then working through that with the community he has given me
39)Crying in front of people. Letting them see my weekness and my flaws.
40)Bumper stickers on facebook at 4am
41)Uploading pictures onto Facebook of the silliness that is my friends!
42)The sugar free candy in my stocking on Christmas morning!
43)Football games at "The Bachelor Pad"
44)Diet Sodas
45)The Patriots, Browns, and OSU football!
46)Snow falling.
47)Horse drawn carriage rides
48)Getting my hair washed at the salon when I go to get it cut
49)Books...reading books!
50)Being random...and giddy according to C-Fair!

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